integrative mind body and health

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We are part of the Conscious Awakening Network Channel

The Conscious Awakening Network (CAN) is a progressive media platform that provides inspirational programs on humanity’s evolutionary path. We offer 100’s of hours of videos to help expand your awareness, evolve your consciousness, and transform your perspectives through enlightening content. Our “out-of-the-box” interviews and educational programming includes topics such as ancient origins, angelics, walk-ins, hybrids, starseeds, extraterrestrials, ascension, deep space, contact, spiritual awakenings, channeling, health and healing, light language, the paranormal and more!

Phase I - Roku and Amazon Fire – This Saturday, October 15

Phase II - Website and Podcast 

Phase III - Apple TV and Phone apps

Categories for your viewership

Check out the channel descriptions and the incredible programming CAN has for you! There is something for everyone!

Ancient Origins - Uncover What We Believe

What if the information you have been told about the origins of how we began is not the whole truth? Learn about humanity’s often lost history, archeological findings, human origin stories, and ancient civilizations.

Angelics, Walk-Ins, Hybrids & Starseeds

Do you believe we can evolve as souls and take on one form after another during a single lifetime? Have you heard of walk-in souls or starseeds? Listen to people who have awakened to the fact that they are not from planet Earth and hear the wisdom they have to share.

Ascension & Deliberate Creation

Ascension and awakening are the expansion of the mind, consciousness, soul, energy, and personality leading to ultimate enlightenment. Join us on this transcendent and transformational journey as we delve into manifestation through deliberate creation as our own co-creators.

Art, Music, and Instrumental Sound

Art and music are expressions of the soul. Sound, with its many vibrations and frequency waves, can provide deep healing, clear the chakras, and release stuck energy.  Explore and enjoy beautiful and inspirational sights and sounds from around the world.

Expanded Consciousness 

Upgrade your thinking to discover and embrace your own life’s potential. Engage in thought-provoking discussions with some of the world’s top interviewers and speakers. These programs will educate, engage your mind and energy, and awaken your subconscious knowledge. 

Channelling, Mediumship & Psychic Experiences

Have you ever wondered about the possibility of receiving messages from the spirit world or other beings? Hear amazing accounts from ordinary people with extraordinary experiences and bring notes to humanity. Tune in and discover these abilities for yourself.

Health, Healing & Wellness

Are you ready to optimize your mind/body/spirit connection through alternative healing, healthy eating, and mindfulness practices? Explore these methods of total well-being by respected practitioners from around the world.

Light Language & Meditation

Light language bypasses the human mind and goes straight to the heart. Hearing these words inspire, heals, and leads to enlightenment. Unlock the language of your soul through the vibration of the transmissions and meditations with international teachers and masters.

Paranormal, Afterlife & The Unexplained

Have you ever wondered what goes “bump” in the night, opens the doors, or turns the television on when no one is in the room?  Explore some of life's greatest mysteries as you learn about the afterlife and unexplained mysteries.

Spiritual Awakenings

From perspective changes to belief shifts, a spiritual awakening impacts one's life in profound ways and causes you to question everything you once believed in. Learn from some of the greatest spiritual masters and teachers some common themes and experiences often associated with spiritual awakenings.

Ufology, Deep Space & Extraterrestrials

More and more people are reporting sightings of UFO’s and UAP’s than ever before. Deep space exploration has revealed dozens of planets that could potentially support life. Discover humanity’s links to other worlds and other life forms in deep space.

Universal Science & Quantum Physics

Science is a systematic and logical approach to discovering how things in the universe work. Discover concepts of the universal sciences, quantum physics, and quantum entanglement. Experience how these sciences relate to you! Learn as leading experts share their thoughts and theories about DNA, quantum theories, metaphysics and more.

Let’s expand our awareness together.